Hurry Won’t last Just Reduced 1 Family Attached Brick 3 Bedroom duplex in Excellent condition. Just Reduced.

The number of active listings in Brooklyn (11236) increased by 1.2%from the previous month.
The median number of days active properties have been listed is 77.
The number of sales in June dropped by 90% from the previous month.

The percent of unoccupied properties is very low in Brooklyn (11236) . It is-10.59% below the national average.
The percent of owner occupied properties in Brooklyn (11236) is25.01% below the national average.
The percent of rental properties in Brooklyn (11236) is 38.4% above the national average which is typical for urban areas.

For the zip 11236, 18.97% of the people have completed a bachelors degree as their highest education level.