If you are looking to buy or sell a home, condominium, co-op, condo, or rent an apartment in Allenwood New York visit our site for a free search account and mobile App. Our listings are updated every 15 minutes and every home on the market is listed on our site.
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The number of active listings in Great Neck (11021) dropped by 3.2% from the previous month.
The median number of days active properties have been listed is 75.
The number of sales in May dropped by25% from the previous month.

The percent of unoccupied properties is very low in Great Neck (11021) . It is-9.41% below the national average.
The percent of rental properties in Great Neck (11021) is 11.29% above the national average which is typical for urban areas.

For the zip 11021, 29.80% of the people have completed a bachelors degree as their highest education level.

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